There are some fine action sequences where we see what Vers is really capable of. However, their interrogations are cut short when the Skrulls attack. Jackson) and Phil Coulson (Clark Gregg) of the SHIELD. Her landing and the subsequent Skrull activity draws the attention of Nick Fury ( Samuel L. However, she manages to escape and crash lands on Earth, Los Angeles, to be specific. They are made out to be the bad guys, and Vers gets captured, and her memories are accessed by the Skrulls. The Krees, and Vers, soon tangle with the Skrulls, the shape-shifting aliens who the Krees are at war with. The Supreme Intelligence that rules the Kree planet also tells Vers to show restraint and keep her emotions in check. In the meanwhile, we see Yon-Rogg ( Jude Law), her trainer, teaching her to control her powers and abilities. The story of ‘ Captain Marvel‘ begins on the alien Kree planet Hala, where we see Vers ( Brie Larson) suffering from nightmares about a plane crash involving an older woman. However, before that, let us tell you a little bit about the story of ‘Captain Marvel’. Either way, we have got you covered regarding where you can see the movie.

Considering all the hype that ‘Captain Marvel’ created, you must be dying to watch the movie if you have not seen it, or you might want to rewatch it, just to watch Carol Danvers killing it as Captain Marvel. ‘Captain Marvel’ also gave Kevin Feige a chance to expand the MCU and bring in the Kree-Skrull war into the forefront, allowing for more space explorations in the future films as we head into a new phase. They also set up the film sequences in such a way that Captain Marvel would be introduced to us in this movie, before appearing in ‘ Avengers: Endgame‘, where we all know, she had a pivotal role to play in bringing down Thanos, since she is one of the most powerful Avengers right now.